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사용자 삽입 이미지

Friday, July 4

☆ Going to watch the fireworks? As you're waiting while dusk deepens, show someone the brightest sky sights. Big Jupiter is rising low in the southeast. The orange-red supergiant Antares sparkles higher in the south. Blue-white Vega is very high in the east, and yellowish Arcturus is very high in the southwest. And of course there's the ongoing Saturn-Mars-Regulus drama low in the western twilight.

☆ Earth is at aphelion today, its furthest point from the Sun for the year (only 1 part in 30 farther than at perihelion in January).

Saturday, July 5

☆ Look for the waxing crescent Moon to the lower right of Saturn, Mars, and Regulus, as shown above.

출처 : http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/ataglance